Monday, December 10, 2018

How dangerous is it to eat raw dough? -maria golici 

This is the perfect season to spend hours in the kitchen baking those yummy treats for the holidays. While you are making these treats, you decide to have a nibble of the dough but think about the real health effects. Obviously, you have heard about a major risk being salmonella, which is a disease which causes typhoid fever. There are no death threats from eating the dough and even if you don't feel like you are getting sick or at risk with every nibble, you are weakening your immune system. So instead of getting sick from getting some extra bites of raw dough go and spend time with your family.

This article was written on December 10, 2018, at 3:10 PM. This can connect with past diseases discovered in the 18th century one of them being salmonella. From there we have furthered research on the disease and found the causes and how to prevent it. So remember that little nibble isn't worth it. Trust your culinary skills and enjoy your holidays with friends and family!


  1. This kinda sucks because I love raw cookie dough. :(

  2. Oh man , our food isn't really safe . This sucks. -Alma Alvarado-Cabrera

  3. I always sneak some raw cookie dough even though I know the risks, but there are recipes out there for edible cookie dough so we can eat all we want risk-free!

  4. Finally somebody is addressing the real issues. Although lettuce is looking to be more dangerous than raw dough right now.

  5. i eat cookie dough all the time but i'm fine. I did get kinda scared reading this but like its not gonna stop me from eating cookie dough. also 711 sells cookie dough so i thought it was kinda funny.
    - koko chen
