Monday, December 10, 2018

Anna Speer- Is impeachment of the President going to finally happen?

With the democrats taking over the House of Representatives next month, President Trump is starting to worry over impeachment proceedings against him. Although several allegations have been looming since he was elected into office, mostly around Russians and vote tampering, Trump and many of his West Wing aides feel like the payout his former mistress is what might sent him out of office.  Much of this information is tied to information they are receiving from Michael Cohen, Trump's former attorney.  (Cohen is currently looking at a long sentence for all his wrong doings related to Trump.)

Only two Presidents in history have been impeached by the House of Representatives: Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.  Both were later acquitted by the Senate.

-Anna Speer


  1. If Trump is impeached, so much could happen as an outcome. Hopefully, they end up creating more good than harm to the country.

  2. I think when Democrats take over the house there is a definite chance of impeachment. There has been too much shady business with Trump and his team, especially with Michael Cohen's upcoming sentencing.

  3. I think their needs to be a change in power for the good of the country

    1. I agree some change needs to happen around here! I just want want more good than harm to the country and the people in it!

  4. If Trump is impeached, I'm just curious if any classified information will be leaked to the public, and if so, I'm curious to see if the Russians really are move involved in the inner workings of the US government then we've ever thought.

  5. I think its well over due, and I'm excited to see what america will be like after him.-kloe rhoden
