Monday, December 10, 2018

Lesly Marquez- Accused Russian spy Maria Butina


This article basically informs us about how Maria Butina who was accused of being a Russian spy who nuzzled up to the National Rifle Association before the 2016 elections, has begun cooperating with federal prosecutors after agreeing to a plea deal in recent days, according to someone familiar with the matter. Earlier this morning on Monday their was news that Butina had seemed to reach a deal with the federal prosecutors. Butina's cooperation was for her to tell investigators about the role her boyfriend  Paul Erickson played with the Russian handlers.A plea hearing is set for 3:15 pm Wednesday were a judge will need to will have to sign off on the deal. She was arrested two days after the Justice Department separately indicated Russian military intelligence for hacking the Democratic Party, and her case became public the same day President Donald Trump met with President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and declined to endorse US intelligence findings that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.This article was updated Monday December 10, 2018.


Its crazy to imagine that their could and probably still are more people like her out there who are doing the exact same thing. Its really suspicious how president Trump  and president Vladimir met up just before the elections and then someone Trump wins. They interfered with the elections which makes people think more about the elections now. This just comes to show that sometimes we aren't fully aware of the things that are happening in our society and government but things like this are always leaked and soon come out.


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