Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Koko Chen- unsafe work conditions

This article and video talks about how a woman prays everyday when she goes to work that she is safe. Not only is she not paid alot, she also faces dangers everyday like sexual assault. Working in a hotel can be dangerous and you never know when someone is in their room ready to do horrendous things. Thankfully the system is actually doing something and making a call to action.

This relates to world history as unsafe work conditions. When there was lots of child labor going on, many of them without having a choice. They worked in unsafe conditions and often children get hurt and injured. Not only is it wrong that they are children, it is also wrong because when you are working for money i feel like you should be provided with a safe enviroment so it doesnt distract you from work and you can do the best job you are capable of.

1 comment:

  1. It is sad that we live in a world where you feel as though ou need to pray before doing your job. It is sad that fear is embedded in us and not just from a scary movie. This woman understands how often she can face these problems and still has to come the next day. I just wow. -kloe rhoden
