Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Life in Prison for Man Who Killed Heather Heyer-Zion melaku


A jury thinks about giving life in prison on Tuesday for James Alex Fields for murdering Heather Heyer when he drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters the day of a 2017 white nationalist rally tied to Confederate statues. He was convicted of first degree murder and his trial is still pending. 


  1. That is so crazy that this incident happened.

  2. I'm glad justice is being served, someone who did such a heinous crime deserves to be in jail for the rest of their life. -Madison Malonson

  3. He deserved that. -Alma Alvarado- Cabrera

  4. There isn't many times that i agree with the death penalty but what this man did was hateful planned out murder and should get what he deserves.

  5. I always have conflicting opinions about the death penalty. I know that often families of the victim feel that all they can really do to make it up to their loved one is to seek punishment, and in that case, I'm glad they were successful. I also like to think of the family of the criminal, however, because you have to remember that this also causes them to lose a loved one.
    -Ryan Mecca

    1. I am just now realizing that is says life sentence and not death penalty but my comment still applies :)
      -Ryan Mecca

  6. Thank God. It’s about time that America starts punishing this new wave of Fascists.

  7. I'm glad to hear this. Its always a comfort know that justice has been served.

  8. At least they got what they deserved in this case.
