Monday, December 10, 2018

Valery Tinajero- Teacher Looses her Job For Cutting Off Students Hair

Website Link:
Summary: A teacher at a California University took things a little far when she decided to lunge herself at students and start singing the national anthem while trying to cut off students hair. Luckily she was arrested and might face up to 3 and a half years in Jail for this incident. 
Analysis: What the Teacher did was extremely out of line and it shows not only students but teachers can be crazy as well. This however hasn't been the first time teachers take it a little too far with students. There have been many cases where teachers have hit students because they angered or annoyed them.


  1. When I heard about this, it was really hard for me to understand how this even started.I don't know much about the incident but I did hear that this was not her normal behavior so I kind of feel like she may have a health problem or something serious is going on in her brain. I just hope she gets help if it's necessary.

  2. That teacher has gone nuts... how did this even started ?
