Monday, December 10, 2018

Thank u, Next - Hadley McGhee

Can we say goodbye to White Supremacy already? It’s overrated.
According to the article, White Supremacy goes through phases. The KKK was super active in the Reconstruction era, the 1920s, the Civil Rights Movement Era, and now the Trump era. Fourth times the charm. Let’s leave white supremacy, white nationalism, the KKK, etc. in 2018.

We’re better than this.

I hope.


  1. I agree we gotta leave it behind! but honestly its hard to get over something like that.
    - koko chen

  2. I agree that white supremacy needs to be completely eliminated in 2018, though looking at the fact that it has stuck to the walls of history and refused to leave, though we may be making some progress unfortunately it's not going to leave with the snap of a finger.
