Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Racism On Campus- Maya Davis

At Columbia University, a sophomore student was caught on camera berating students while going on a rant about white supremacy. The student says that the comments were taken out of context and that it was a sarcastic response to student's claiming that Trump supporters encourage sexual violence. The student also apologized for going over the top in his rant. The student says that he is a Trump supporter but also doesn't any way encourage sexual violence. Other students responded and said he had no right to share his views on women because he's a white male. The student goes on further to say that rhetoric he used was so that he could sarcastically demonstrate the idea that white people are not allowed to embrace their cultural achievements.

To me this rant showcases his superiority complex.. In the rant he made several inaccurate statements about things he thought were developed by white people. While he said he was being sarcastic, I don't think that was the word he was trying to use. I think he meant animated or over-expressive. He himself said the point of the rant was to showcase the accomplishments of white people.

This can be compared to so many parts of American History where people falsely accredit things to white people. This reminds me a lot of Julian Carr's Speech at the dedication of Silent Same. Silent Sam was a confederate soldier who was given a confederate monument in 1913. The dedication speech was full of white supremacy taking points and fallacies, much like the rant that the student went off on.

Columbia Student Article
Silent Sam Speech


  1. I saw the video earlier and it really bothered me. Not just anyone goes off on a rant like that.

  2. Columbia was one of my top schools. I hope they take the appropriate action and they are able to root out and tame the racists before Co2021 gets there.

  3. This video worries me, not only because of the rhetoric but because it demonstrates how our president has enabled these types of people. Trump and his supporters seem to think they can claim sarcasm in all situations where they go too far and get off free. Unfortunately, at the moment they seem to be to right.

  4. The fact that people think its okay to do that bothers me so much.

  5. As a student at a prestigious university, he should know better.

  6. This student is only displaying how small minded he is and he is only making himself look very ignorant. I hope that after the backlash he received he will learn from this and think before he speaks so negatively again.

  7. I just think we need to do better as a student in this climate of racism, sexism homophobia etc. A student would know by now that it is not okay, and really not okay to think like that.-kloe rhoden
