Monday, December 10, 2018

44 Is the Magic Number. -Hadley McGhee

Today 44 Former Senators released an op-Ed in defense of democracy. They, like much of the American people, fear what we’re getting ourselves into, government-wise.

In the Op-Ed the senators said that they were friends or opponents, never enemies. American politics have always been hostile, but these senators seem to be somewhat echoing Washington’s words.

While in his farewell address Washington recommended not doing the whole political party thing, these senators are urging citizens and officials to adopt some sort of civility.
We’re in too deep to abandon the political party system, but I hope like these senators that we can return to a higher level of respect across party lines.


  1. I like this relation back to Washington.

  2. While the two party system does cause division it's not like any other system wouldn't, a three party system would only mean 3 divides instead of 2.

  3. True, but Washington advised against political parties altogether.

  4. Actually, 42 is the magic number.
    Libtard Destroyed
