Monday, December 10, 2018

Accused Russian spy Maria Butina cooperating with federal prosecutors as part of plea deal -Martina D’Orso

          Maria Butina is an accused Russian spy of 30 year of age who was arrested for being accused of being a foreign government agent. Recently, she filed a plea basically saying how she wanted to make relations with powerful US officials to benefit Russia. Furthermore, she was accused of offering sex for information, but this was later shot down as the evidence was interpreted incorrectly. Both sides have questionable aspects that just dont add up, or that were plain wrong, such as accusing Butina of offering sex for information.
         Before reading this article I had no previous knowledge of the topic, and this makes it a bit harder for me to understand the full concept of what happened. We have seen this happen before, Russia or other foreign country sending spies, for example the Illegals Program in 2010 which was a culmination of 10 Russian spies who got arrested. This just further goes to prove how foreign disputes or alliances only end up hurting countries in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. I remember hearing about this on the news and thinking that Butina looked like Ginny Weasley. It is questionable why there was a Russian spy with access to the White House, and it's suspicious how Russia has denied that they ever sent her into the USA.
