Monday, December 10, 2018

Sydney Ewing- Is it Too Late for President Macron?

President Macron of France stated that he has heard the voices of those in economic hardship and is going to take immediate action to relieve their suffering. He has announced tax cuts and minimum wage increases. These actions are a result of the Yellow Vests movement which was characterized by rampages through Paris and other French cities in a revolt against a fuel tax increase and a rebuke of Macron's failure to focus on the French middle class.

In France, some people praise Macron for his decisions, but many critics say that Macron's suggested changes do not speak to the needs of the middle class and fall short of the demands made by the Yellow Vest movement. It is evident that Macron's actions are in response to the rampages in an effort to regain support and push through legislation. His original moves in office have been characterized by “favoring the rich” by cutting taxes of the wealthy to stimulate investment. Macron was also known to only consult himself and a small circle around him while also dismissing the complaints of French citizens. I agree with the many allusions that people have made to the French Revolution in the Yellow Vests movement. It is interesting how despite the fact French people have historically revolutionized against the wealthy, Macron insisted on holding political office and running his party with decisions coming from the top down (it's pretty evident that the French people don't really like when people in power do that. And similarly Americans don't either… the difference being that Americans have historically conducted heavy protests and negotiations before attack in an attempt to remain peaceful and neutral, and the French revolt and behead their oppressors). Anywho, Macron has no motivation to resign, contrary to the suggestions of many critics, and he is continuing to try to eradicate all of the hate for him in France. So far he has been somewhat successful, but he still has a long way to go… hopefully he won't lose his head trying.


  1. The positive thing about this is that people are using their right to speak up and have an opinion. -Alma Alvarado-Cabrera

  2. The negative thing about this is that unfortunately their voice is manifesting itself as violence in some situations.
