Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Pose Makes Golden Globe History- Maya Davis

Pose is now the first TV series with a mostly trans cast to be nominated in any category for the Golden Globes. Pose is a show that takes place in 1980s New York with a focus on the LGBTQ community and ballroom culture. The show explores not only the complexities of ballroom culture, but issues like the HIV/AIDS crisis. Pose is known as a groundbreaking show that's helping normalize seeing trans people on TV in roles that talk about trans identity.

Personally, I love pose and I was so happy to hear that it got nominated as I think it's doing a lot for the television industry and has very good writing. This show reminds me a lot of a documentary called Paris Is Burning which explores the real lives of LGBTQ people that ate, slept, and breathed in the ballroom. The film makes history as is was selected for preservation in the Unites States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.

Pose Nomination
Paris Is Burning


  1. I am so thrilled to hear this!! I absolutely ADORE pose.

  2. I have never seen this TV show but hope to see it soon. This is amazing that this tv show is doing so much to change the television industry for the better. I wish this nominee the best of luck! Lily Philips

  3. So excited to add this to my list of shows for the holiday break! I am very happy that it is able to get such great publicity and that our society has finally reached a turning point in acceptance.

    1. I am also overjoyed that TV shows with diverse representation are finally getting acknowledged.

  4. I will be watching this show over the up coming break. Diverse representation in media is of the upmost importance.

  5. It is so exciting to hear news like this especially when it helps show the importance of diversity.

  6. This is such amazing news, its nice to see the trans community getting bigger platform, in such a positive light. This truly is groundbreaking. -kloe rhoden
