Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Avery Johnson- Is Tech Too Easy to Use?

The more advanced technology is becoming the easier it becomes to use which to customers is a positive
but the simplicity of navigating technology could be the problem. Security becomes an issue when the
demand for easy navigation is growing. Although the convenience of technology is helpful for users it is
just way for the companies to increase profitability with a risk of miscommunication of information and
less effort used.

The article has an interesting point of view on the increasing convenience of technology with the
problems of security and misinformation, but it is not a problem for the companies to increase
profitability. Both sides win, the consumers and the business keep the circle of money go around.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with Avery on this one. Both sides do win but at the same time there are disadvantages to both sides.
    -koko chen

  3. I think having tech this advanced will only lea to many more amazing discoveries, and its great because it allows the public to get faster information, but maybe there could be more regulations on what information is exposed to the public to avoid these dangers, because it is very easily accessed. -kloe rhoden
