Wednesday, December 12, 2018

No war needed to harm Yemen children - maria golici 

Three-year-old Yussuf Adel and his mother were lucky to escape the Yemen Civil War. He sadly suffers from Diphtheria because he was never able to get properly vaccinated. Diphtheria is a respiratory disease which causes a layer of dead cells in the throat or nose which blocks airways. His mother did say that with the war going on she was too scared to go to the doctor with her son. Now that they are safe in the southern city of Aden her son is able to get the proper medical care he needs.

This article was written December 12, 18 at 12:37 PM.  The disease Diphtheria was discovered in 1884. In the late 1920s and early 1930s a vaccine was discovered that helped prevent this disease from happening. Now babies usually get this vaccine when they are 2 months old. This disease is also a lot harder to get of you live in the US because you are a lot more exposed to open and decently clean air. Furthermore we have more available to doctors and medication. 


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