Sunday, March 6, 2016

Rubio wins the Puerto Rico Primary by Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex

Rubio won almost three fourths of the population of Puerto Rico. Rubio was thought to be able to win all 23 delegates. The greatest problem facing Puerto Rico is the $73 billion. The results of the Puerto Rico Primary were very helpful to Rubio. He hopes to win the Florida Primary on March 15 due to the high Puerto Rican population. Rubio is hoping to keep Trump and Cruz from getting farther ahead of him in the race. As of now Trump has won 12 states, Cruz 6, Rubio 2, and Kasich 0.

I think it's interesting that Puerto Rico has a primary but can't vote. It's like how Washington D.C. can't vote but still has to pay taxes. I'm glad that Rubio is trying to keep Trump and Cruz from getting any further than they are now.


  1. Although Rubio has a slim chance of winning the primaries, I think he would make a much better candidate than Cruz or Trump. -Claudia Anthony
