Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sanders claims "we know who ISIS is" by Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex

Bernie Sanders thinks that the U.S. needs to up the surveillance after the Brussels ISIS attacks. Sanders told a CNN representative "We have got to improve our efforts to make sure it does not happen again." He praised President Obama on how he was handling the fight against ISIS. He also commented that ISIS is "on the defensive" and is going to retreat soon. He also agreed with intelligence agencies around the world saying, "I think we know who ISIS is. We know those people who are planning attacks against our European allies and against ourselves."

I agree with Sanders when he said that we need to up our surveillance. Especially after the Brussels attacks. Not only should we heighten security everyone should also be aware of the things around them. Who knows when the next attack will be.

1 comment:

  1. I love Bernie, but I hate that he says "I think we know who ISIS is" without going into any specific detail... Who? Is it all Muslims like the Republicans think it is? Is it a specific handful of people that we for some reason have not executed yet? Or is it just a group he would describe with the adjective "Terrible people" or something of the like?
    I feel the bern, but things like this make it hard to keep fanning his flames.
    -Jack Higgins period 6
