Monday, March 28, 2016

Homeless provided with reliable food resource / Maddie Hanratty 8th

          An Indian cafe named Pappadavada in Kerala, India has extended the borders of its restaurant out onto the sidewalk in front of its store. The restaurant is opening a fridge to the homeless community in the area that will be open 24/7 and will be stocked with at least 50 meals per day, plus donated meals provided by Pappadavada's guests.

          For a small cafe to put so much into a great cause is pretty remarkable, and is a great solution for unsold meals that are still fresh. The owner, Minu Pauline, seems like a positive influence on her city and I hope her actions inspire other cafes, restaurants, etc. to do the same.

          Homelessness soared during the Great Depression in such high numbers that "Hoovervilles" sprung up all across the U.S., being highly concentrated in Washington. Hoovervilles were homeless "towns" that were named after Herbert Hoover to place blame on him during times of such scarcity. Today, housing is still a problem, but hunger is a greater threat to many American families, and I have confidence that places like Pappadavada will catch on to help.

Link here


  1. Angelique Flores 9th- I absolutely loved this story, some good is being done in the world.

  2. This women is doing a great thing. She is an inspiration.

  3. This is so great! I hope that things like this are spread to the U.S. -Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex

    1. So great to hear! A very nice deed. -Randi Thompson
