Sunday, March 27, 2016

"Donald Trump reveals when he thinks America was great" -Leah Messinger (period 1)

   This article discusses the answer to an interesting question posed by candidate, Donald Trump's, campaign slogan. Trump's slogan promises, "to make America great again", but this leads to the question of when Trump thought that America was great. According to Trump, America was great during periods of military and industrial expansion at the onset of the 20th century and again in the years after WWII. Trump also mentions the 40's and 50's as a time that, "we were not pushed around, we were respected by everybody, we had just won a war, we were pretty much doing what we had to do." This opinionated statement made by Trump helps Americans to more clearly see his view on how he wants the country to be and what kinds of decisions he might make to get us there. Whatever this means to different people with different political opinions, it was an interesting way to rebuttal Trump and force him to answer his own question.


  1. Oh I always thought he was talking about when they came over and enslaved the Natives and Africans and systematically destroyed ethnic way of life in favor of whitewashing. Didn't know he was talking bout them milkshakes and sock hops... and segregation.

  2. "...we were respected by everyone, we had just won a war, we were pretty much doing what we had to do."

    I'm not sure if it's the way you worded it or if this is verbatim but it sounds like he might plunge us into another World War in an attempt to regain our "greatness".

    Shelby Linker, 8th period

  3. WOW. And his supporters claim he isn't racist/admires the Reagan era.
    CNN may or may not be completely unbiased, but the video evidence is more than compelling enough to show that he does not support bringing back Reagan's policies - he entertains the ideas of the period of segregation and other discriminatory policies based on race/ethnicity/religion (black/Japanese/Jewish/etc.)
    F*ck Trump.
    -Jack Higgins period 6
