Monday, March 28, 2016

Shelby Flowers 9th

Shelby Flowers

White House:  Warming Poses Urgent Health Risk

            The change in the climate is considered a major health risk to Americans and will likely kill 27,000 annually by 2100.  The numbers are staggering to think about.  One group that goes by U. S. Global Change Research Program believes that the average outdoor worker who performs a necessary task that we as Americans need will not be able to continue their job with the heat wave that will likely hit during the hottest times of the year.  People will be unable to control their body temperature and this will result in death.  Texas appears to be on the list of high-risk states that will perform poorly in the face of global warming. 

Bobby Magill writes that the government is behind this study and he feels that the focus has been moved from the normal thought of a few polar bears and ice caps melting and dying to having to let the American public know that global warming is very real and if we as Americans do not take the warning seriously then we could be facing a real crisis.
I have never really thought about the whole issue of global warming.  I keep hearing science teachers mention it and I have seen a few things on the news lately, but I never really paid much attention to it.  I feel bad that when I do some serious thinking about my family in the future, I realize that I may not be alive when the full brunt of what is being predicted actually happens, but my children will be impacted as well as my grandkids. 


1 comment:

  1. I'd say that's a conservative estimate at best. In my opinion the numbers could be way worse
