Monday, March 28, 2016

Apples Encryption Struggle Reaches a Cease fire-Molly Mitchell 5th


Apple and the FBI have lately been in a heated dispute over phone security, to bypass the phone of a terrorist who participated in the December 2015 terrorist attack killing 14 people, the FBI requested Apple create a software they could use to get in the phone. To their surprise, Apple blatantly refused, saying that creating such a software would undermine years of work on security enhancement and would place millions of people at risk of having others see their private information. Although the FBI claims it would only be a one time thing, Apple still refused and the case was brought to court. As of recent, the FBI has revealed that they actually no longer need Apple's support because they have been able to get in without them through an unnamed third party, and the case has been dropped.


This subject is a bit confusing for me in terms of which side I'm on, immediately I agree with Apple, yes it is a breach of privacy if the FBI has immediate access to everyones phone and would definitely be negative, but the expense of safety is high, and one must think to themselves "does this remind me of a George Orwell novel?" if so, it may not be the right decision.



  1. I agree this is confusing. I get why they refused, but it could of helped the FBI.

  2. There was a previous time where the FBI had used phone information to use to find and prevent a terrorist event, but the conclusion as to if it's worth the cost is still concerning.

    Bella Di Fazio 8th

  3. I loved how the people who don't know a thing about tech and encryption are the ones demanding this master key to unlock all iphones

  4. I loved how the people who don't know a thing about tech and encryption are the ones demanding this master key to unlock all iphones
