Friday, March 25, 2016

jk not guilty- Katie Schell (flex)

original: by Ann O'Neill Friday 3/25/2016

Jack Daniel McCullough, 75 year old former police officer and former military veteran, was convicted in 2012 for the abduction and murder of Maria Ridulph, a 7 year old girl. Recently an Illinois prosecutor claims he has found "clear and convincing evidence" the McCullough was wrongly convicted for the alleged murder of the 7 year old. McCullough has always insisted that he is innocent. After a six month review of said "evidence" McCullough's alibi was proven to hold up. "It was impossible for McCullough to have committed the crime....because he was about 40 miles away in Rockford when Maria vanished."

It just sucks so much that this poor man has been sitting in jail for a crime he did not commit. I mean obviously it's not like he was just stuck there for the sake of it- there probably was compelling evidence to prove that he was guilty, but then again it's the justice system's job to prove innocence and guiltiness. If this were me I'd be pretty pissed. I'm just happy that everything has been cleared up.

website: press here


  1. Brenna Hale(6th Period)
    I hope he never gave up faith that he'd be released, because he might have gone crazy sitting in a jail cell.

  2. It is completely awful that the justice system wasn't able to acknowledge that he was innocent the first time!
