Monday, March 28, 2016

Nicholas Godfrey Period 8: Bernie Sanders on the rise?

Summary: Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders may be on the rise! So far, he has been lagging behind the leading democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, but he says that now that we are shifting away from the south and to the more liberal west, he believes that he is going to rise in the delegates in the primaries. He said this after he swept the primaries in three western states: Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska. He has also now made claims that America knows who ISIS is and we need to make steps towards taking them down. He also praised the efforts of President Obama, saying that ISIS is now on the defensive, and on the retreat. Also, he claims that the super delegates may reconsider supporting Clinton once their states popular vote is going to turn up Sanders. He also criticized Clinton for paying $343,000 to sit at the head table at an event put on by George Clooney. He said that Clooney wasn't the problem, but the people attending were.

Analysis: I think that there is definitely a chance for Bernie Sanders to become the Democratic Nominee but I think that, sadly, its a small chance as far behind Hillary that he is. Like he said, those pledged super delegates can always change their minds and support him instead of Clinton. I also think that its so alarming, at least from the way that the information was presented, that Hillary paid $343,000 to sit at the head table. That could easily be money that she is using to campaign. There are many instances throughout history in which somebody pulls through at the last possible time and becomes the nominee. For example, Ronald Reagan ran two elections before becoming president as almost a joke but ended up shaping the Republican party that got him elected. I think that there is definitely a chance that Bernie could pull through and I would definitely be excited to see that.



  1. Wow who woulda thought we might live to see a socialist president! I really hope he gets elected. Our country needs a radical change

  2. Not to be a downer, but hasn't Socialism failed for nearly every country that's ever tried it? It sounds nice, until we run out of someone else's money. Bernie's a nice guy, but many of his policies are honestly terrifying.

    1. The biggest increases in our national debt and deficit spending came under George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan two of our most conservative presidents

    2. The biggest increases in our national debt and deficit spending came under George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan two of our most conservative presidents
