Monday, March 28, 2016

Luz Lopez(4th period)- What your kids can learn from the movies

     Has your kid ever misbehaved after watching a movie, well that's okay, It's normal. Kids usually pick up all kinds of things from movies. They can pick negative messages, but they can also pick up positive messages just as easily. The hard part is trying to pick out the right movies you want your child to watch. It's important to choose the right movies that impart lessons designed for your child's age.
     I knew that movies were an impact on kids growth, but I didn't know it was a really big impact. This reminded of when a whole bunch of new artists started coming out and were influencing the teens during that time. Some were showing that smoking and drinking was cool and that they should do it too.

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely. Kids dont just pick up bad things from TV.
