Sunday, March 6, 2016

Officer Saves Woman From Car Before Explosion // Olivia Gillis P3

A Missouri State Trooper had just begun his shift when he saw a Cadillac speeding down a highway in Suburban Kansas City. He began following the car, prepared to give the driver a ticket, when the suspect's vehicle started spinning out of control, running into the side of a Honda Civic that was going through an intersection. The sixty year old woman driving the Civic was Becky Crawford, who lay helpless and unable to move after the impact. Over a half dozen of the bones in her body were broken, including multiple ribs. The driver responsible for the wreck continued to drive on, however the officer remained to save Crawford. He entered the car and picked up Crawford, carrying her to the top of a hill to safety. It only took about 90 seconds after she was removed from the car for it to burst into flames.
This story could've had a very tragic ending if the officer hadn't gotten to Crawford when he did, or if he hadn't even stopped and continued to chase the other car. This was a very heroic act on the officer's part and it's nice to hear about this act of kindness with the bad reputations that police have been receiving. Hopefully this story will inspire other officers (and other people in general) to continue the acts of kindness that have been demonstrated by people like officer Jim Thuss.


  1. It's great to hear about stories like these, it really helps to lessen the tension between citizens and the police that has recently been created due to some individuals' actions.

    Shelby Linker, 8th period

  2. Wow talk about timing!! This story is crazy and I'm so thankful that the officer was able to save her life! -Nicole Chatham 6th period

  3. Wow!!! Agree, what great timing!!! Such a blessing that the officer saved her!! What a neat story!
