Tuesday, December 1, 2015

It Just Got Harder To Enter The U.S. , Emir Price, 9th


On November 23, the White House released a statement that they'd be revising the visa waiver program to more stringently screen people traveling here. Why? Because of the Paris attacks, of course. Because the distant threat of ISIS all but completely anchored to the eastern hemisphere is enough to influence our government to suspect people of "certain demographics" and pull them aside for "random searches" more often. According to the White House, they'll be looking for past visits to places like Syria or Iraq on visitors record to determine whether or not they could be a threat to security.

To be honest, to be completely and totally real, if you live in the United States of America, the western hemisphere in general, no muslim extremist from the Taliban or Daesh or Al-Qaeda is coming for you. You're not gonna have no suicide bomber in your classroom, no jihadist coming to you front door, none of that, so put it to bed. Don't be scared of it cause what happens is because they aren't here and you have nowhere to direct that fear, you direct it onto folks that *barely* share the same beliefs as those terrorists. It's just not realistic.

Let the United States be a place where people can come for refuge and opportunity. A lot of people come here hoping to make a good, honest life for themselves or their family, who might not even be able to travel with them. They gotta send money back to their family and keep themselves alive too. What does it say on the statue of liberty?

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost to me. I life my lamp beside the golden door."

Last I checked there's no asterisk anywhere for "except brown people".


  1. i think that the government is doing what they believe will benefit the country and i agree that our safety always comes first ,but i also agree with you that america should be a place where people hope and dream and come for refuge.

  2. I agree with Victoria, the U.S government wants nothing more than to keep us safe; however, their over cautiousness has led them to be stereotypical and quick to judge people of certain races.

  3. Matthew Homsher 9th- Background checks are necessary for anyone getting a visa or entering a country, but there is no reason to fear a person based on where they come from. If they pass the check, then let them in. That's the way this should be done, and any deviation from that protocol is an unjust breach of that person's rights.

  4. Someone needs to give the US a taste of what it would be like if there were no immigrants, just like there are videos of what would happen to the world if the oceans dried up.
