Monday, December 14, 2015

Alexis Williams -Boycott Against the New Star Wars Movie

         There's been lots of talk about the new Star Wars movie. Though there been lots of love and people can't wait to see it, other oppose it. They say that since one of the main characters (John Boyega) is Africa American, it encourages white genocide. People have started the hashtag on Twitter #whitegenocide.
         I immediately linked this to the civil tights movement in the 1960s. This is just awful how people are going against such a great film for such a dumb reason. In the civil rights movement many blacks sacrificed lots of things for their rights. Many were injured or killed. People like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks or even groups like the little rock nine who fought long and hard to get to where we are today. It was very tough especially in those times with things like the KKK and other racist people in America trying to hinder them from being equal. It's so sad that all that hard work and effort and fighting got us here. Where people can't deal with an African American man in a movie.



  1. Just because this movie is a big deal people are trying to create some sort of controversy over it.

  2. How does an African American man starring in a popular movie have anything to do with genocide? People just go out of their way to make something a bigger deal than it needs to be.
