Monday, December 14, 2015

First women elected to office in Saudi Arabia - Erin O'Day

Saturday's election in Saudi Arabia marked the first time women could vote and run for office, and it saw 17 women get elected. Yet women voters in Saudi Arabia complained about the voter registration process and the segregation of male and female voters. Also, those women running spoke up about how difficult and restricted they were in campaigning. But this election is a significant step forward. The roles of women in the Saudi Arabian kingdom are changing: the amount of women in the workforce is increasing, and the King has been appointing more and more women to government positions.

While it is truly amazing that the rights of women in Saudi Arabia are improving, they still have a long way to go, just like the women of our nation. When American women fought for suffrage and achieved it with the 19th amendment, they knew they would still have to fight for equality and fair treatment, and in fact we still are doing that today.


  1. Olivia Browne Period 6
    What an amazing step for women's rights activists.

  2. It's great that they finally can hold positions, but since Saudi Arabia does have a "king," it will be hard to say exactly how much input these women have in political affairs.
    -Bob Cummins, Per. 6

  3. This is so nice and encouraging to hear that women all over the world are being treated as equal. It's really sad that it can't be this way all places but I know one day it will be ble to happen.
