Monday, December 14, 2015

Bill Cosby sues his accusers Paul Rakde (5th)

Summary- Bill Cosby is suing seven women who have accused him of sexually inappropriate conduct. The lawsuit states Cosby is suing the women "for their malicious, opportunistic, and false defamatory accusations of sexual misconduct against him. The suit states that Cosby is seeking "relief from the defendants' international campaign to assassinate his charter for their own financial gain by rewarding him"

Analysis- Bill Cosby has had a rough last couple of years and for him to be suing woman that falsely accused him of sexual misconduct is outrageous. I do not think that seven women would do something like this to get him in trouble. This is a hard case to win because it has been so long since it has happened which should hint that there was something wrong there. Bill Cosby is probably not going to win this case because there is not enough evidence to prove that the women are falsely accusing him of doing this.

1 comment:

  1. Waiting so long to finally fight back against these women is definitely a red flag that something isn't right. Madeline Jones 4th period
