Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Unites States' 'First hostage affairs envoy' - Brenna Hale(6th Period)

In response to the recovering American hostages abroad, the U.S. government has appointed its first hostage affairs envoy. James O'Brien will take on this role, the White House said that he is "uniquely qualified to serve in this position given his extensive background in diplomacy and international negotiations." The U.S. government has been highly criticized for how they handle hostage situations. They had the power to prosecute a family member if they attempted to pay ransom, but never did. Now they have given families permission to pay that ransom, but the government will not. The families of hostages who were killed this year agree that they felt no one in the government was looking out for their relative being held hostage. O'Brien will be working with the families to help secure the freedom of their family members.

I cannot begin to imagine the pain of being a hostage, or the pain of having a family member taken hostage. This article has opened my eyes to a huge situation going on not only between the U.S. and the Islamic State, but between so many other countries. Some of these people go over seas to do good things, such as teach or give aid. Taking them hostage deprives their family and the country they're in of their presence and help. This has no relation, but hostages in a way remind me of slavery. I don't know what they are forced to do, but they are in a foreign country and their life depends on money. Slaves were brought to the Americas from Africa, a huge change in environment for them, and they were sold to the highest bidder.


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