Monday, August 31, 2015

Amaya Avila Period 8: Is there life on Jupiter's moons? Juice may hold the key
The mission to find a habitable home for life has become more and more prevalent over time. Recently, NASA has discovered a new possibility for signs of life or a potential home for organisms, the mission, JUICE is to journey out to Jupiter and Jupiter’s moons: Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede to find out what is under those sheets of ice. Scientists believe that there could very well be water, salt water, and maybe even some living bacteria underneath the sheets of ice. It has been stated that the JUICE mission will be set to launch in the year 2022. Although this mission does face many challenges this could be a potential home to human life in the future. It is said that this mission will be a $30 million journey. But scientists do believe this could lead to new discoveries of organic life on new lands.

            I believe in another form of life that is not only on Earth and in the very future finding a new home does not sound ridiculous. This article gives me hope and happiness to think there are people willing to take risks for the better of the people. I think astronomy is very interesting, and I believe its important to discover new things. This article was written for the enjoyment and controversial topic of extraterrestrial life.

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