Monday, August 31, 2015

Horror Director Dead! Alejandra Hernandez (6th period)

Summary: Wes Craven. Does this name ring a bell? I know it will for many horror movie fans. If you don't know who this is allow me to explain. Wes craven was a legend in directing horror movies. He was the creator of A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Scream series, The last house on the left, The hills have eyes and many more. He was also the man responsible for making Freddy Krueger so lifelike, frightening and nightmare-worthy. Sadly this legend ,in horror movie making, has passed on. he died on Sunday, August 30 at 1pm. He had been battling brain cancer which finally took away his life at age 76.

Author: I don't know much about the author, but from what I've read she doesn't seem to have a biased point of view. She just wrote the article with a neutral tone on her opinions and based hr article on her facts.
Place and time: This article was produced Aug. 30, 2015 at 8;59 p.m. but was updated on the 31st. These times mean that this news is true. the article was published after the event occurred and it makes it likely to be accurate.
Prior knowledge: I knew nothing about this article before i actually read it, i just picked it because of the title.
Audience: This article was mainly meant for horror movie fans or people who love his work. The article didn't have a negative affect, more like a melancholy one.
Reason: This article was written to inform people of a legends death.
Main idea: This article is meant to commemorate someones work and talent in movies.
Significance: This article isn't one of the other articles. It is news on entertainment, but not the world's biggest problem. It might be considered unimportant to some people but I think its important to the fans of this man, and I believe its significant for that reason.


  1. This is a sad thing to hear. He lived a long life considering he had brain cancer

  2. Hopefully his legacy continues and horror directors make good films that actually scare me :)

  3. It's so tragic hearing he passed away. He was really one of the pioneers of the industry.
