Monday, August 31, 2015

Samantha Stromness Twin pandas born at Smithsoian zoo

Fraternal twin pandas we recently born to the Smithsonian zoo. The sex of new born pandas is difficult to discern, however, it has been confirmed both cubs were male. Unfortunately one of the cubs passed away four days after his birth. The zoo believes his death was a result of pneumonia. These pandas are on lone from the Chinese government like most giant pandas outside China. These pandas are significant because they are a reflection of the U.S.'s relationships with China. The birth of these cubs demonstrates the effectiveness of breeding programs working to save and improve the endangered giant panda population.  



  1. Aww that's so great. Pandas have so much trouble mating so it's good to hear about new babies! -Moriah Smith

  2. D'awwwww. I too, enjoy the sweet warm embrace of a large bear. HAHA. I of course mean Panda bear! I'm happy for the lucky Parents, hopefully, Panda's won't be enraged soon. Let every Panda mate sweetly and briskly, and have globs of children.
    -Gabriel David GirĂ³n Vives

  3. Awww! Very rare to hear. Great Blog
    Randi Thompson

  4. i think The birth of these cubs is a great step into improving the endangered animal! . As long as the zoo keepers keep the animals best interest in mind and that these animals are not supposed to live in a cage their whole lives.
