Monday, August 31, 2015

"Supreme Court Denies Kentucky Clerk’s Request To Halt Same-Sex Marriage Order" by Nora Bracy, 5th pd.

On Monday evening, the Supreme Court denied a Kentucky Clerk's request to continue to enforce her "no marriage-license" policy while she appeals the trial. The clerk, Kim Davis, stopped issuing all marriage licenses to protest issuing them to same sex couples, as she "has a religious objection." Three same-sex couples sued her after being denied marriage licenses.

It's incredible how people continue to go to great lengths to protest marriage equality in today's society. Many people in America are too stubborn to change their views, change the opinions they grew up with. It's 2015, and many Americans are still against everyone having equal human rights. If Kim Davis wants to avoid same sex couples so badly, I think she should retire, change jobs, or something, because religion is not an excuse for denying people the right to marry. Religion in not an excuse, because there are a whole lot of things people don't agree with in the bible. As soon as the topic of same sex marriage comes up though, it's all about the bible. People shouldn't be using the bible or other religious documents against other people when it's handy. Though same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states, the fight for equality has hardly started. The struggle continues everyday for the LGBT+ community, but we're making progress. It's awesome that the Supreme Court denied her request, because just a few years ago this wouldn't have happened. Not only do we need to work to solve issues in the LGBT+ community, but also racism and sexism issues that are still so prominent in the U.S. All humans should have the same basic human rights, is that so hard to figure out?

1 comment:

  1. If Davis's job includes issuing marriage-liscenses, and she refuses to do it, she shouldn't have the job in the first place.
