Monday, August 31, 2015

Ben Carson ties Donald Trump in new Iowa poll by Caroline North 9th period

For the first time in over a month, Donald Trump is being challenged for the lead in one of the first few nominating states in the Republican primary.  Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon, tied Trump for 23% of the votes in a recent Iowa poll.  This is the first time since July 26th, Trump hasn't swept a poll in one of the first few states to pick a Republican nominee.  Behind Trump and Carson in the Republican poll are Carly Fiorina at 10%, Texas Senator Ted Cruz with 9%, Scott Walker with 7%, and Jeb Bush with 5% among others. 

This article was written to inform American citizens about the current presidential campaigns and upcoming election.  I personally am not in favor of Donald Trump becoming our next U.S. President. However, I am truly impressed that he is doing this well in the Republican primary.  I didn't expect this much of the U.S. population to vote and support him based on many of his rude comments on minorities and unsettling ideas on improving our economy and relations with other nations.  This is such an important topic because whoever wins this election is going to be the next President of the United States of America, arguably the most powerful person in the world, and create history in our country.  

1 comment:

  1. We wrote about the same article! I like how you included your personal thoughts, but balanced them with statistics.
