Sunday, August 30, 2015

Cassidy Jones reports on Katrina:10 Years Later

    Yesterday, August 29, 2015, marked 10 years after Katrina. Hurricane Katrina is remembered as one of the five deadliest and devastating hurricanes in the history of the United States. Katrina not only made a catastrophic amount of physical damage but also trauma to families and businesses located in the area of destruction. Katrina left nearly 2,000 people lifeless and $100 billion in needed reconstruction.10 years after Katrina, New Orleanians reflected on the storm that wiped away their hope. Yet in the midst of rebuilding their beloved home, citizens still rejoice and celebrate for progress so far and creating a vision brighter than before.

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  1. Its wonderful that they can still be hopeful

  2. Jillian Linnear (8th Period)August 30, 2015 at 9:22 PM

    Great to see that people can still be happy and come together in time of need. It restores my faith in humanity when people can put aside differences to come together.

  3. It's hopeful and almost reassuring that people from so many different backgrounds, once affected by this tragic event, can come together as one with open arms to each other.

  4. It's a joy to see that so many hurt people can rise up from such a destructive event.
    -Mattie Whisler 9th period Flex
