Monday, August 31, 2015

Alexis Farrell, 5th Period: Suspect Allegedly Unloaded His Entire Pistol in Texas Deputy

Earlier this week on Friday the 28th, a gunman emptied out his entire pistol into Darren Goforth, Harris County Sheriff's Deputy. The victim, Goforth (47), died at the gas station, and prosecutors are claiming that he was found in a pool of blood. Apparently, a 30-year old man, Shannon Miles ran up to Goforth while he was getting gas and immediately shot him. There is no evidence currently as to why Miles shot and why Miles shot so many times. We do know that Miles has a criminal history of refusing arrest and unnecessary conduct. So, the sheriff says that Goforth could have been shot because of the cop car and the uniform. However, the article states that Goforth's wife, Kathleen said, "My husband was an incredibly intricate blend of toughness and gentility." It's hard to believe that kind of man was shot so suddenly.

Although there is no evidence for why Miles shot Goforth, I believe that Miles did not need to take such extreme measures to get his point across. Yes, he might not be a huge fan of law enforcement, but that does not mean he needs to shoot a police officer. There is no indication that he shot Goforth because he didn't value law enforcement, but if that is the only reason, he could have fixed his problems in any other way than shooting an innocent man. Additionally, the article states that Goforth has not had any relations with Miles so this means Miles just shot a man he had never seen before. In my opinion, Miles completely abused his right to have a gun. I believe that a gun should be used by militaries of countries to protect the citizens of those countries. He did not use it for protection, he used it to harm an irreproachable man.

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