Monday, August 31, 2015

Lia Kerkman 6th- President Obama Compares U.S. and Israel Tensions to Family Feud

      President Obama compared tensions over the the Iranian nuclear deal to the game Family Feud, insinuating that although the U.S. and Israel will have their heated arguments, they will still remain close allies. He looks to keep the idea that we all stay on the best side of Israel, and that we look past any biased  or past opinions we may have had. There are still however a number of people including lawmakers who disapprove and try to vote against the deal. Obama and Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu have never had a cozy relationship, but Obama states that he intends to quickly improve his relations with Israel.

         I think everyone can understand getting more irritated when arguing with a family member rather than arguing with someone not a member of their family. So far the United States is in agreement alongside Britain, France, and several other countries about the topic pertaining the Iranian nuclear deal. In the U.S. a large amount of the democrats supported Obama's decision, while the Republicans criticized him for it. I think the deal to put restrictions on Iran's nuclear purchases benefit the safety of the U.S. as well as other countries.



  1. I believe that It is important to keep Isreal as close as possible because they would be good people to have by our side in case of trouble. I believe that they are a very strong and smart country that is very in touch with their culture. So I agree with Obama in the sense that we should keep on their good side. -Heather Hatch 8th period

  2. certain people in this country put themselves and their opinion above our country. this isn't okay because we are supposed to make decisions together and see what benefits us a country. people need to understand that we are trying to avoid any sort of violent disagreement with any country and we are trying to do whats best for our nation.
