Monday, August 31, 2015

Mormon church chooses to stay with Boy Scouts despite their acceptance of openly gay troup leaders. By Fernanda Sandoval

The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormon church, has had a long rich history with the Boy Scouts program, but a couple months ago the boy scouts of America finally decided to allow openly gay men and women to be troup leaders. This caused problems for the Mormons who are not only the program's biggest sponsor but also some of the program's most dedicated members as most of the Mormon boys have grown up in the program. It's part of their society to be a boy scout, as the Boy Scout programs ideals tie very closely to the church.
 When BSA decided that it was about time that openly gays be accepted as troup leaders the Mormon church had some thinking to do. Being openly gay just isn't ok to them, it goes against some of their beleifs. All this made them question whether their boys were "safe" in such a different environment, scared that it would affect what all the boys had been taught. For a while the church seriously contemplated leaving BSA, saying "the church has always welcomed all boys to its scouting units regardless of sexual orientation. However, the admission of openly gay leaders is incosistent with the doctorines of the church and what have traditionally been the values of the boy scouts of america." using this to support why they would leave if they did choose to leave.
 In the end they decided that it was in everyone's best interest to stay with the boy scouts and continue their century long relationship with them, for the moment, setting aside their different views for the boy's benefit.


  1. I'm glad the Mormon church didn't stop supporting the boy scouts after BSA accepted openly gay troop leaders. No matter what your sexuality is, your encouragement can have an impact on a young person's life. This is just another example of people bonding and joining together no matter what type of person you are.

    I understand having beliefs but finally gay marriage is legal so why would they be concerned about the boys. The boys should understand their beliefs and not have to worry about gay men being troop leaders. They need to know who they are!

  3. Erin McElhone (3rd Period)
    I understand that this is a big step for the Mormon church, and I am very proud of them. Now that gay marriage is legal, I think that more organizations will open up to these people, to whom they were originally excluded.
