Monday, August 31, 2015

Simon Waranch, (3rd period) "White supremacist gives Nazi salute at conviction"

A man named Frazier Glenn Miller gave a Nazi salute in a courtroom after being convicted of fatally shooting a 14 year old, the 14 year olds grandmother at Jewish facilities. When the judge gave the verdict, Frazier said "i think the fat lady just sang". Frazier said that he intended to kill jewish people and within 2 hours the jury convicted him. Frazier tried to justify it by saying that when he was a kid his father had taught him that jewish people wanted to kill white people.

I think that it is appalling for a man to give a nazi salute in a court room. He is obviously antisemitic and he took his views to the next level and killed innocent people. People like this need to be in jail.


  1. the disgust that i feel after reading this is unreal. please . why do these people exists.?

  2. I agree with your closing statement. I don't believe that people like that should even be aloud to attempt to make excuses like that.

  3. kenley turner- Agreed, people like this should not be allowed to be in our society.
