Tuesday, September 25, 2018

"When boys humiliate girls at school" Grecia Jimenez

Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford when he was in Georgetown Prep. His yearbook entries are under scrutiny, and it has been found that the prep had an extreme party culture and was basically swimming in alcohol. Some of the entries made by the young men that attended Georgetown Prep culd possibly point in the direction that these allegations are in fact true.
 From a young age, girls are put under the microscope to have their every move scrutinized by the rules of society. However, "boys will be boys" and are raised under a more lenient set of restrictions, but must allways demonstrate their masculinity because boys dont cry. Teenage boys are allowed to and even pushed into misogyyny and the mistreatment of girls, and girls are forced to tolerate it because "maybe he likes her". Girls are being taught to stay quiet, docile, and keep their act together while boys are free to roam and make mistakes without further conceqence. If boys and girls were raised the same and educated under the same limits and feedoms, cases like Kavanaugh's would not happen as often as they do. But since we arent, girls and boys will continue to suffer from sexual assault cases, abusive relationships, and suicide.



  1. I'm really glad you wrote about this topic!For too long society has tolerated the mistreatment of girls.

  2. I liked your point of view of this issue. Sexual assault is usually brushed of by the government especially if the assaulter is someone of a higher class. But just because they might be a judge doesn't mean their past should be over looked.

  3. I agree that the way we are raised has influenced the way girls and boys interact with each other. I think that gender norms have definitely played a big role in the way we go about sexual assault cases and it needs to evolve in a less biased way and one where the expectations of boys and girl's behavior are the same.

  4. I also agree with what you said on how guys have more freedom than girls even if they are older than the guy. I say this because i see this happening in my family sometimes so i do think is true.

  5. I completely agree with your statement! We are grown up to think that that's just how guys are but it's way more complicated!

  6. I strongly agree with this. Girls commonly speak up on their mistreatment out of fear and this has to come to an end.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


  8. I strongly agree! Girls are being mistreated all the time and this definitely needs to end.

    Kennedy morrison

  9. I strongly agree with what you said. Because of this type of society girls are too scared to speak up about sexual harassment and assault, and now these cases are finally coming up and girls are seeking justice.

    1. I agree with you. With the rise of the #Metoo movement, this problem is being resolved slowly as flaws with "boys being boys" are being exposed. Boys touching a girl inappropriately without her consent is not just him being a boy, it needs to be reported.

  10. The number of comments on this post highlights how important articles like this are, especially to girls. I think it's equally important for boys to read this too, for multiple reasons. They need to start looking at their actions and how they affect others, they need to understand that misogyny affects boys too, and they need to start speaking out when they notice it occurring. It must be emphasized that "boys with be boys" does NOT excuse actions, and girls deserve respect.

  11. Your point of view on this is really important and necessary for everyone to understand. People looking at misogyny from an ignorant position are blinding themselves from the reality that boys “will be boys” because society is teaching them to be that way. Sexual Assault is not a behavior that men are born with, of course it isn’t taught, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t influenced

  12. These types of topics definitely need to be brought to light. I am so glad that someone is writing about this, and hopefully the women coming forth will get justice for the devastating events that they had to face.

  13. I agree with this so much. We cannot let this ideology of "boys will be boys" and "maybe he did it because he likes me" perpetuate into the next generation.

    1. I strongly agree with you. The next generation should not grow up with the mentality that a boy can touch me however he wants because he's just showing that he likes me or is just being a boy.

  14. NO. COMPLETELY, 100% DISAGREE. This blog post is an extreme perversion of culture. I will be MORE than happy to debate you on this topic and would explain a bunch of it here, but I just wrote an extensive comment and don't want to do it again.
    Notice how only girls have commented until now. Stop playing the victim; that doesn't make for a good society.

    Also, there are a lot of typos.

    1. Your “stop playing the victim” mentality is what causes hundreds of victims of sexual assault to not speak out. Women do not “play the victim” after they are sexually assaulted. The amount of trauma and mental issues this causes for women is insane and just the thought of testifying requires another level of brave. By telling us that we are playing the victim you are agreeing and condoning what Kavanaugh did and what hundreds of other men do. Women are many times scrutinized for doing something, but when men do it no one bats an eye. “Hombres necios que acusáis a la mujer sin razón, sin ver que sois la ocasión de lo mismo que culpáis”

    2. I am afraid you have misrepresented my point of view as a consequence of your misunderstanding of my assertions. Here I will, in the most civil manner possible, so as not to spark malice or foster a mutual loathing between our parties, and therefore refrain from using insulting language which will deem me unworthy of producing an effective argument, address several of your claims.

      "Women do not 'play the victim' after they are sexually assaulted." I could not agree more. It is, in fact, impossible to 'play' the victim after a veritable assault because victimhood becomes an actuality. I have not stated in any previous comments that abused women "play the victim." However, I have stated and do stand by the notion that those, such as the author of the blog, have claimed victimhood of fictitious offenses, such as those in the context of "teaching girls do stay quiet, docile, and keep their act together." In fact, by portraying oneself as such, it downgrades the harsh, genuine trauma and mental and emotional wounds that a woman who has truly experienced sexual assault must live with. Virtually no one (except for a few cacophonous bigots) in the United States calls for the silencing of women. Additionally, essentially no one permits the maltreatment of women. We, as a nation, tend to put sex abusers and rapists behind bars. If you know anyone one of these people, please, immediately contact me, and I WILL HUNT THEM DOWN ALONGSIDE YOU, as this is self-evidently unacceptable conduct.

      You claim with certainty that Supreme Court justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been an offender of the issue at hand. However, this is absolute speculation. You do not know that Mr. Kavanaugh has comitted these unspeakable actions, as there has not yet been evidence to prove that he has. Abiding by this "guilty until proven innocent" approach, I would logically be able to claim, truthfully, that a person as criminally innocent as Oprah Winfrey has sexually assaulted me. However, I have not presented any more evidence that the three accusers of Kavanaugh have, and my allegation is, therefore, unsustainable. You have also accused me of being a promoter of monstrosity, dubbing me a person who "agrees [with] and condones what Kavanaugh [allegedly] did." This is a very striking declaration, also of which you have no evidence. The statment is thus faulty and weak. If Kavanaugh is proven guilty in the upcoming hearings, I will stand by you and scrutinize his disgusting deeds.

      Lastly, I have presumed that the last sentence is not directed toward me, as I clearly am not a speaker of the Spanish language.

    3. I don't mean to be rude, but you say that girls are playing the victim by saying that they are taught to stay quiet, and that those claims are "fictitious offenses". How would you, a male, know what 𝒘𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒏 are and are not taught. It is foolish of you to assume that the claims that this author makes aren't true, when it has happened to multiple people, including myself. My 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 have told me not to wear shorts that are too short or shirts that show too much skin to avoid attention from boys who "can't help themselves". You also pointed out that the majority of people who responded to the blog are girls. Maybe they responded not because they are "playing the victim" but maybe because they have experienced, and still are experiencing, these situations.

      Also, even though you might not be able to understand the last sentence Martina wrote, it is good to know what it means so I have translated it for you:

      Foolish men who accuse woman without reason, without seeing that you are the occasion of the same thing that you blame

  15. I AGREE 100%!!! I'm so happy that many people are writing blogs about the awareness of sexual assault. The "boys will be boys" expression is dangerous to our society and is logic that excuses male behavior.

  16. I completely agree with everything you said here. Furthermore, Kavanaugh was in a secret society, or club, that was extremely misogynistic and he was always describes as being very intoxicated. There is nothing anyone can do to excuse such behavior.

  17. Thank you for writing about this topic. There should be no excuse for boys touching a girl inappropriately or without her permission. The boys will be boys mentality needs to end before it infects the next generation.

  18. I agree with you about the fact that if we raised women and men with equal standards these issues wouldn’t exist, and if people really cared they would raise their kids with this mindset.
    Maya Friedmann
