Monday, September 24, 2018

K-Pop band BTS tells world youth to 'speak yourself' at UN - cris sanchez

I find it very interesting that a boy band is making such an impact. As a lover of music its truly impacting to see a group start smaller to now doing over seas shows, speeches, and more. it seems to be impacting our youth giving us voices. being published September 24th of 2018 seems to have a strong wave already. It was written for the public but seems to be heating younger audiences hearts. Especially dedicated fans. I would like to think its a positive,influence on people especially younger generations to see that at any point you'll grow ,and even be able to make bigger moves then intended.


  1. I really like your outlook on this article. If you added a synthesis connection I think it would be really interesting to hear how this would connect to something from the past.

  2. As a fan of BTS myself it's incredibly inspiring to see how far they've come from when they debuted and how much of a voice they have now. Their "LOVE MYSELF" campaign (with partnership with UNICEF) was the first step and they've just continued to help make the world a better place.

  3. I heard about this speech from some of my friends today and I listened to the speech myself and I gotta say, the artist made some really good points about young people loosing their voice and their name for worrying about what others think of them.

  4. It's very exciting for me as a fan to see how BTS has been able to impact our world and society in a way much larger than just k-pop. They have a greater mission and this speech really showed that and opened up many views that can relate to the youth all around the world.

  5. The fact that a boy band can make such a great impact comes to show how a great impact anyone with a big platform can spread awareness.

  6. I love the way they have made it globally and are still trying to inspire there fans to become the best they can be.

  7. Rose Tharp - I love BTS and their motivation to encourage thousands with their platform

  8. This just goes to show how we as artist have a voice, we just have to know how to use that voice. - Kadar Price
