Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Killed in His Own Home

On September 6, an off duty police officer went to a neighbors apartment and shot the man who answered the door. Botham Jean was the man killed that day, an innocent 26 year old man. On September 24,2018 Amber Guyger has been fired and charged with man slaughter. No one really knows the motive of this. It may have been something personal, all we know is what Guyger has told. "It was an accident." Although that sounds crazy, it is what everyone has believed and that is what she has been charged with "accidental murder' The purpose of the article is to bring to light on what is going on with this case. To show how the legal system is and are handling this strange situation.


-Khai Gamble


  1. Do you think it would've turned out the same way had it been a man shooting a woman on accident?
