Monday, September 24, 2018

10-year-old Alaskan girl's murderer charged and convicted- Jordan Gillette

Summary: On Monday, September 24th, 2018, 41-year-old Peter Wilson was charged for the murder of 10-year-old Ashley Johnson-Barr, whose remains had been found on September 14th. Johnson-Barr disappeared on September 6th, and was last seen alive at park in Kotzebue, a small town in northern Alaska. She was found in the bitter tundra not too far away from the park that could only be accessible by a four-wheeler, or on foot. Evidence of strangulation and sexual abuse was found during her autopsy, and Wilson's DNA was found on her body. In court, Wilson lied excessively about the situation, he had taken Johnson-Barr's phone (he said he found it on the ground) which was found in the pocket of one of Wilson's jackets, and lied that he didn't know who she was (he did), and he hadn't touched his four-wheeler that day (he had). Wilson was charged with first-degree murder, kidnapping, sexual abuse of a minor and tampering with evidence. According to criminal division director for the state Department of Law, no further legal action is being put forth until after Johnson-Barr's funeral on Saturday.

Analysis: This is a tragic scenario that should never have seen the day, but unfortunately events like these happen more often than never, and we all have to live with that. This article was written by Rachel D'Oro, a reporter based in Alaska who frequently covers current events throughout the state. Before reading this article I hadn't heard anything about this case, and reading about it now makes me upset. I'm a big fan of unsolved mysteries so I hear about these kinds of stories all the time, but hearing about a child's murder only leaves me with feelings of despair and sadness, and I'm happy that Johnson-Barr's family got some closure, unlike child homicide cases like Jon-Benet Ramsay's. Ashley Johnson-Barr's murder can be related to Eklutna Annie's murder in 1980. Though they could never figure out who Eklutna Annie really was, they were able to catch and arrest her killer, Robert Hansen.


  1. It's really sad what happened to the 10 year old. And the family must be devastated over the whole situation. My condolences to the Johnson-Barr family.

  2. Its very sad knowing what happened to this girl at such a young age. It is even worse hearing about the signs of sexual abuse and that sick people like Peter Wilson exist in our society.

  3. Its devastating that a young girls life was cut short and her last memories were those of sexual assault and being strangled. My thought is, what compels people to sexually abuse a child and murder them, but lie and try to avoid the consequences of their actions?

  4. I wish that I could have trouble with believing something like this would happen, but unfortunately, it is almost a daily occurrence. :(

  5. I find it extremely disgusting that something like this could happen to a child. This shouldn’t happen to anyone especially not a young girl. I can’t believe people like that exist in the world.
    Maya Friedmann
