Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Isabella Sander- Rosenstein and Trump

Donald Trump and Rod Rosenstein are in a quail about how Rosenstein will leave the White House. at one point Rosenstein was going to resin from Deputy Attorney General but then Trump would be able to put someone that was already passed by the Senate. witch in that case the person appointed will just be overseeing the Russian investigation and its connection with the present. The other option is that Rosenstein is fired and then Trump will have to go threw the whole processes of getting a new Deputy Attorney General. And now the CNN new reporters are saying that Rosenstein is going to be fired.

I think that in the past we have had government quails but none this massive. For example when the 13 colony's were starting there government some of the colonies at first did not want to come together because they were loyal to the king of England. Some of the officials were even had problems with the people that were selected to be the leaders of the government like Abraham Lincoln and the people that did not like what he was say he wanted for the new world after the American Civil War. So even though Rosenstein does not like Trump as president he will ultimately have to come to a calm peace of mind and except him. Even though there are cases against the president.

1 comment:

  1. This all comes back the relationships Trum has in the White house. He is easily frustrated with people after they show the slightest abandonment. It is not someone we need in the white house.
    Tiya Caldwell
