Monday, September 24, 2018

Kloe Rhoden

Puyallup sued for illegally trashing belongings during homeless camp sweeps

A city removes/trashes homeless people's belongings, with little to no warning. The people have lost much of there belongings and continue on having to restart. The city claims that they gave a long enough amount of time to remove there belongings, and that they were a safety/sanitary hazard. The city was looking more for the benefit of the privelleged population. These people only live outside because they genuinely have no place else to go and the city through out everything that brought them shelter. Though they offered housing abilities etc. many denied the help of a once corrupt people. I think that this is completely wrong many of these people have little to nothing and to take what little they have is just completely inhumane. Thankfully a lawyer is fighting for their rights and making sure the city is unable to get away with this. This relates to back to when colonists had to quarter soldiers. This works because many of them were living off very little and then they were forced to house uncivil men who ate everything, destroyed their belonging, and abused the people living there. This is not right and hopefully the lawyer manages to win this case.


  1. Its very sad to see that people that have near nothing have what they do have taken away. I am very happy to see that a lawyer is standing up for them and hope to see a change from this

  2. Its really sad to see that people take away what little people may have for sanitary and safety purposes. Maybe if they did something (like open more homeless shelters) there wouldn't be people having to leave their belongings outside.

  3. I think that if the government wants to clean up the streets, then there should be more accessible homeless shelters and programs around the city to help minimize the amounts of homelessness and poverty.

  4. I know they were following protocol, but following protocol isn't always the right thing to do. - Kadar Price
