Saturday, September 29, 2018


Washington Braces for Battle as F.B.I. Contacts Potential Witnesses to Kavanaugh Claims

Thursday September 28, 2018 Judge Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. As we all know President Donald J. Trump appointed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be a judge in the U.S. Supreme Court. Not long after that, a woman by the name of Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of attempted rape, back when they were upperclassmen in high school together around the early 80's.
Of course the Judge negates these accusations, but of course someone that is guilty would immediately deny it right? Now this may still be true, but now the FBI are trying to get in touch with a potential witness that claims to have been there on that faithful night. This person says that they will be able to shed some light on Kavanaugh's innocence. I don't know what to think about this, what do you guys think? Comment Below


  1. I think that this FBI investigation is extremely necessary and will help uncover the truth.

  2. I definitely agree that this investigation is crucial, as the job of a Supreme Court judge is to apply existing laws and therefore represent values of the United States of America. This is serious.
