Monday, September 24, 2018

Game Company, Telltale Studios, is Coming to an end- Gabriel Allen

In the past week video game studio, Telltale Studios, laid off 90% of their employees to start a mass company shut down. In this article, they go back to remember the involvement and inspiration they brought to the gaming industry.  It talks about how the company got big from the 2013 release of The Walking Dead and how they refined the point-and-click genre of games. The article continues to go on about where Telltale went wrong. They took too on to many projects too fast, which created a toxic working environment. But despite their downfalls, many people are upset about this decision and will miss the Studio and their games.
For me, I'm actually really upset about hearing this news. I grew up playing their games and I always enjoyed spending hours playing The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. The stories I experienced playing their games were incredible, and to this day the decisions I made in them still affect me. I don't think that I would be the same without them. I know that sometime soon I will be replaying some of my favorite games of theirs. Goodbye Telltale, thank you for all the life lessons you taught me…


  1. I remember playing The Walking Dead: Season 1 and having a blast learning about Clementine and the gang and the interactive visual novel gaming style, and being lured in by the various story-changing choices you had to make. I'm sad to hear that Telltale is closing its doors, although I do have to agree that its format became a bit repetitive over time.

    1. But it wasn't even about the format. The stories were just so entertaining!
