Monday, September 24, 2018

Dallas PD fires Officer Amber Guyger

Kristen Ramirez

Earlier this month Officer Amber Guyger, on September 6, claimed she mistakenly went to the wrong apartment opened fired and shot Botham Jean who she thought was in intruder. Recently, on Monday, Dallas Chief Renee Hall officially arrested Amber Guyger and stated that after the investigation she  "Engaged in adverse conduct when she was arrested for manslaughter" due to her actions that night. Chief Hall also addressed many concerns about the situation last week mentioning that she didn't want to "risk compromising the criminal case."

This is very important because lately with the Black Lives Matter movement. This situation became a very big deal due to the DP not arresting Guyger immediately and comparing it to other similar situations that have happened with officers.


  1. This is so relevant and I love your take on the situation. This needs much more awareness!

  2. This topic is so important to the changes we need to make in our society. She had walked into his house and just open fired on him (probably because he's black) without further examination.

  3. I personally believe that her reasoning doesn't justify her actions, and she should get punished for her deadly mistake.

  4. It is very rare that we have problems like this from the DPD, so this one is interesting.- Kadar Price
