Sunday, September 30, 2018

BA apologizes after 380,000 customers hit in cyber attack

On September 6, British Airways apologized after announcing that a two-week long attack compromised credit card information of 380,000 customers on its website and app. The airline found out on Wednesday that bookings made on August 21 and September 5 infiltrated in a "very sophisticated and malicious crime" attack, BA chairman and Chief Executive Alex Cruz said. They immediately contacted customers when the extent of the breach became clear. Around 380,000 card payments were compromised, the airline said, with hackers obtaining names, street and email addresses, credit card numbers, expiry dates and security codes - sufficient information to steal from accounts.The attack came 15 months after the carrier suffered a massive computer system failure at London’s Heathrow airport this left 75,000 customers stranded over a holiday weekend.

Analysis: With what has been going on with this company I don't think many customers should still trust it anymore or maybe the company needs to develop something new to stop these things from happening weather its hiring someone different to keep security on their platforms or develop new platforms with better security, because its' just outrageous to have 380,000 customers' credit card details stolen. What was good was that they compromised the payments on those cards, but if someone hacked into this then they must still have other details about these customers. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree I think this company should upgrade its online security
