Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Police officer fired after racist post - Paola Aceves

in Detroit, a relatively new officer was fired after posting a racist Snapchat picture. It was brought to attention when a former officer posted it on his Facebook to call attention to it. The officer was then dismissed from the force and told how this brought a bad light, not only to their department but all officers.

Racism can be seen throughout all of American history. From the beginning with run ins with the Native Americans to enslaving Africans and still recently. Although the issues are not as great as they used to be there are still large racism issues such as police brutality on African American citizens.



  1. I'm thankful that he was fired, but still upset that it is taking us so long to realize that there needs to be consequences for making such comments.

  2. What an idiot that guy is. There are some truly bigoted people out there, notably in the police force, since they are the ones primarily responsible for arresting people and possibly altering their lives forever.

    There is one point upon which we differ. The notion that "there are still large racism issues" greatly depends on the interpreted degree of how "large" it is, but I am one to say that racism is not nearly as big a problem as it is portrayed to be by biased news coverage, the idea of perpetual victimhood, etc.

  3. I find it disgusting that people find it ok to post racist things to social media. I think that something needs to change, and something needs to change quickly

  4. I also wrote about racism in the police force. I think it was good that you related it to racism in every day life instead of keeping it within the realms of law enforcement.

  5. Heartbraking that people think making racist commemts is okay. Great to see that she got what she deserved.

  6. I'm distraught at the fact that many people still believe that racist posts and commentary is okay. I'm glad that the officer got punished. Although racism isn't as big of an issue now compared to back then, I do believe that not tolerating it in the US is a working progress that we can't ignore. -Ariana Oliver

  7. This is crazy that people are still publicly showing racism, almost like they’re proud of it. Especially if you’re in a workforce that has already been criticized for the bad treatment of other races, what makes you think that’s a good idea? - Emma Hancock

  8. This dude obviously didn't watch DETROIT, otherwise he'd think twice before ruining his career as an officer. - Kadar Price

  9. That’s crazy that a police officer publicly displayed his racism like this especially with how a lot of people feel about the police, but it’s good that they fired him and I hope others learn from this man.
    Maya Friedmann
